About Belinda

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My Life Path

Spiritual Journey

I have been on a spiritual journey all of my life.

‘Our life’s path is revealed to us by spiritual guideposts. They mark the way and lead us to our soul’s ultimate purpose’.

After more than two decades of following my connection and calling to the spirit world in various ways, I finally took the very courageous leap of faith, leaving everything I knew behind including the corporate world, to follow my heart and life calling. 

Belinda Aloisio

Healer – Transformational Life Coach – Speaker

My Job Life

Cosmetic Industry

For more than 15 years, I worked very successfully in the cosmetic beauty industry for leading global companies and brands. I consistently excelled in sales and launch campaigns.

I liked my job/ career and worked for incredible, cutting-edge companies and brands, but I did not LOVE it.

Although I feel so grateful and blessed for the incredible opportunities, experiences, learnings and wonderful people I met and worked with, I often felt unfulfilled, unsatisfied, tired and not in alignment with my values. I knew there was so much more I had to offer both myself and others in this life.

Once I stepped into my true alignment, the real magic started to flow and I finally felt happy and fulfilled as a person and in my work and my life.

My beginnings & Journey

Childhood & Energy

I was blessed from childhood with gifts: clairecognisance, inner voices and guides, reading energy, seeing people’s light and their best version in any circumstance. I share my gifts with others as I am in true service from the divine to help guide people to live their best life on their eternal journey in this lifetime and incarnation.

I have accumulated more than ten years of experience of Reiki, healing, channelling, shamanic, energy work, crystals, coaching, mentoring and meditation. I also have built up my repertoire of recognised qualifications in the fields of coaching, hypnotherapy and spiritual initiations from all around the world. My clients are located globally and come from a very diverse range of industries and creative sectors.

A word from Belinda

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